Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The final edition of Off The Beaten Tracks on Diversity FM

Playlist 27 March 2012

The medley features 30 second samples of tracks by the artists listed below and I'll include the full-length versions of songs in my next cloudcast. Wes and I will be taking part in the final day of Diversity FM this Saturday (the 31st) probably in the afternoon. We'll be letting people know when we're on air via Twitter - @thebeatentracks and @thatwesmartin

We want you all to sing along to "We'll Meet Again" at the end!

Thanks for listening to the show over the last 4 years and for reading the blog. I will continue posting here and 'broadcasting' on mixcloud.com

Show of Hands - Arrogance Ignorance & Greed
Roy Harper - Goodbye
Richard Thompson - I Ain't Fighting Anymore
Sibylle Baier - The End
Jo Gillot - River Pinn
Lancaster & Morecambe Medley featuring Greenheart, Ottersgear, Moll Baxter, Stuart Anthony, Jess Thomas, Rich Tea & Celia Briar, John Rigby, Ponies, Turnstone, Idiot Johnson
Dan Haywood's New Hawks - Farewell Comeback
Hayseed Dixie - Moonshiner's Daughter
The Low Countries - Goodbye (not)
Kate Rusby - Elfin Knight
Johnny Cash - We'll Meet Again


Last Harbour, The Low Countries & Nancy Kent
Thursday 29 March, 8pm
The Yorkshire House, £6

Greenheart and Maudling Hertz
Friday, 30 March 2012    7:00 until 8:00 pm
Lancaster Priory Church, £5 / £3

"Off The Beaten Tracks" on Diversity FM
Tuesday at 9pm
103.5 FM in the Lancaster & Morecambe area
Listen online at diversityfm.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. Just a wee niggle: the TLC track is called 'goodbye (not)'
    See you round the clubs :)
