Monday 17 February 2020

Suicidal thoughts and what to do

Having seen another of these posts on Facebook along the lines of, "if you're feeling suicidal please talk to me" my own feelings are that when you feel so low that you're thinking about ending your life, the last thing you want to do is talk to anyone. You probably feel that it's you against the world and you'd be better off out of it. You certainly don't want to burden your friends with whatever depressing thoughts are going through your head and hoping that a random friend will be able to help you in your hour of need is potentially dangerous unless that friend has experience and training in helping mentally ill people. If someone were to phone you and say that they were going to throw themselves under a train then surely the best response is to dial 999 and get the emergency services involved.

A physical health comparison could be, for example, you've been out hill walking and have gone over on your ankle. You're in a serious amount of pain. A friend might suggest using an ice pack and taking a couple of painkillers but if you have broken your ankle the best place for you is A&E where they have the staff and equipment to treat you appropriately.

If you are contemplating suicide then you need professional help. My own advice would be contact the Samaritans. They have staff trained to talk to and help suicidal people. 

I'm not saying don't talk to people. Talking to and seeing friends can be something that helps you stay well and keeps the worst aspects of depression at bay. I've been at that cliff edge, thinking about jumping but something has always stopped me and it hasn't been a phone call to a friend. 

And while I love this song, I don't think that suicide is painless. I think it hurts like hell for you and those you leave behind.

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